Title: A Step To Binding Nepalese Geospatial Community¶
Date and Time: 2023-11-22 Wednesday, 7:00 PM (Nepali Time)
Coordinator: Tek Kshetri (@iamtekson)
Poster By: Gaurav Parajuli
Host: Deepak Pradhan (@varun2948)
Speaker: Biplov Bhandari, Pradip Khatiwada, Upendra Oli
Biplov - Data & Research Scientist, NASA_SERVIR & The University of Alabama
Pradip Khatiwada - Executive Director, Youth Innovation Lab
Upendra Oli - Co-Founder/CEO, NAXA
Short Description of Event:¶
The Event was well received by almost 100+ People who learned a lot about geospatial tools and how open-source geospatial tools are being used over the different domains of different companies and are trusted by so many people.
Video Recording¶