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OSGeo Nepal First Monthly Meet - October 5, 2023

  • Facilitator: Kshitij Raj Sharma
  • Attendees: Approx. 25 People

Action Items

  1. Recap takeaways from the previous meeting (Rolling Doc and Meeting Format).
  2. Choose a volunteer for time-keeping.
  3. Note collection.


  1. Discuss What Other Social Media We Should Have?:
  2. Contact:

  3. Rolling Doc Format:

  4. How can we best format?
  5. Should we use Google Sheet or GitHub README?
  6. Facilitators: Deepak Parajuli & Kshitij Raj Sharma.

  7. Meeting Organization:

  8. Meeting Date & Time: Tek Kshetri.

  9. Poster / Social Media Post Coordination — Open Floor:

  10. Kshitij Raj Sharma.

  11. Current Imagery Problem and How We Can Solve It:

  12. Kshitij Raj Sharma.

Open Mic

  • OpenDroneMap Contributions:
  • Anup Dahal.

  • KU Hackfest:

  • Insight from Organizers on Geospatial Projects: Suraj Thapa.

Events & Opportunity

  • Outreachy Paid Internship ($7000) for Beginners in Open Source:
  • Outreachy, Facilitator: Kshitij Raj Sharma.

  • State of the Map Asia in Bangkok, Thailand:

  • State of the Map Asia, Facilitator: Kshitij Raj Sharma.

  • FOSS4G Asia in Seoul, Korea:

  • FOSS4G Asia 2023, Facilitator: Kshitij Raj Sharma.
  • Congratulations to Travel Grant Recipients from Nepal: Travel Grant Program.

  • Hot Unsummit Applications for 2023-2024:

  • Hot OSM Unsummit 2023-2024, Facilitator: Kshitij Raj Sharma.

  • Hacktoberfest:

  • A month-long celebration of open-source projects, their maintainers, and the entire community of contributors.
  • Opportunity to work on an active open source project and get recognized.
  • Hacktoberfest, Facilitator: Varun Pradhan.


  • Note-Taking Volunteer:
  • Chootu Sharma.

  • Social Media Coordination:

  • Messenger option for agenda on Facebook: Varun.
  • Link opening issue could be in Messenger: Chhotu.
  • Discord could be an option.
  • Twitter and LinkedIn official account of OSGeo Nepal: Tek ( assigned).

  • Rolling Doc:

  • Color might help.
  • Record version — Wiki could be good: Pratikschya.

  • Meeting Date:

  • Tuesday proposed: Tek, Pratikchya.
  • Rest to be discussed on chat (Except Friday, Saturday, Sunday): Tek Bahadur Kshetri.

  • Poster and Social Media Coordination:

  • @gaurav.

  • KU Hackfest Insights:

  • Suraj Thapa.
  • OSM Track is included + Geospatial technologies.
  • More participants from computer/data science feel a gap in geospatial data.
  • Documentation could be a gap for geospatial programming.
  • Support for geospatial.
  • Lack of expertise on GSP.

  • Facilitation for Next Month:

  • Varun Pradhan.