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OSGeo Nepal Meeting - December 6, 2023

  • Facilitator: Lalit BC
  • Attendees: Approx. 30

Action Items

  1. Recap takeaways from the previous meeting (Rolling Doc and Meeting Format).
  2. Choose a volunteer for time-keeping.
  3. Note collection.


  1. Recap on GIS Day Event:
  2. Lessons learned and start a checklist for any event we organize.

  3. Time Management and Todo List:

  4. Kshitij.

  5. GIS Day Event Question Answers and Link Sharing:

  6. Q&A and Important Links [GIS Day Celebration 2023]: Tek.

  7. Launch of Idea Book:

  8. IDEA BOOK: GEO-INSIGHTS HUB - Idea sharing by everyone.

  9. Launch of Working Group:

    • Training and Knowledge Sharing —> Lalit
  10. Geospatial Data Access and Licensing -> TBD
  11. Engineering Working Group -> Kshitij

  12. Send Official Expression of Interest to OSGeo Board:

  13. Kshitij.

  14. OSGeo Nepal Open for Maintaining OpenSource Projects in Nepal:

  15. Push to the working group. OSM GPT - Rohit.

  16. Local Nepal Map Language in Map Libre:

  17. Brandon & Wipfil Leading Effort.
  18. How we can support? Contribution Link: Kshitij.
  19. We will be reviewing the map labels displayed and provide feedback and seek if we can contribute: Issue Link

  20. How Can We Contribute and Manage the Open Data System in Nepal?

  21. Data access working group? - Push to working group.

  22. One Day Hacking Day:

    • Every month, let's say Coding Party. There will be music, come work, and go: Kshitij.
  23. Discord & Messenger as Primary Communication Channels?

    • Working group might fit in Discord channels: Varun → Discord bots making and invitation.
  24. Start Collecting and Maintaining Open Source Tools on GitHub:

    • Kshitij.
  25. Start Applying Grants for Physical Meetup of OSGeo Nepal:

    • Target to set in 2024: Kshitij —---->

Open Mic

  1. FOSS4G Asia Walkthrough and Updates on OSGeo Board (Logo and Visibility):
  2. Key point of contact Vicky and Jordy: Kshitij & Aadesh.

  3. OSM Localizer Maintenance from OSGeo Nepal:

  4. Aadesh.

Events & Opportunity

  • Are you a freelancer who contributes to open source, a member of OSGeo Nepal? Earn with OSGeo, We can provide the opportunity to help other people fund you! Service Providers Link: Kshitij.
  • AI For Good Summit, Geneva Switzerland: Summit Link (Might be late for this year, something to grab next year?)
  • Geoserver is hiring, interested?
  • UN OCHA, Job Opportunities, Interested? Search for Data Engineer.


  • GIS Day reflections:
  • Event was successful, around 90 people attended.
  • Couldn't cover Q & A, all of them are tracked in the doc.
  • Checklist todo things before organizing, engage more people.

Idea Book Concept:

  • Geo AI working group: Nishon.
  • Gaurav bhai lead for OSGEO local.

Working Group:

  • Training and Knowledge Sharing —> Lalit BC.
  • Geospatial Data Access and Licensing -> Push for the next meetup.
  • Engineering Working Group -> Kshitij.

Media Platform:

  • Discord; Google group to be preferred for larger events.

  • OSGEO NEPAL has gone under poll discussions of OSGEO November meeting.

Monitoring and Leading Coding Party:

  • Lead —> Aadesh.

Grants for Meetups:

  • OSGEO Oceania.
  • HOT submit.

Open Mic:

  • Official logo of OSGEO NEPAL —> Gaurav.
  • OSGEO ready to fund if any collaborations with GoN.

Note-Taking Volunteer:

  • Ayush Adhikari.

Next Month Facilitator:

  • Aadesh.