OSGeo Nepal Monthly Meet - September 5, 2024¶
- Facilitator: Kshitij Raj Sharma
- Attendees: Approx 14 people
- Note-Taking Volunteer: Aadesh
- Follow Up on the campus representative idea
Follow Up on the data capsule to be released from osgeonepal a. Buildings b. Roads c. Place of interest ( Localizer )
GESAN collaboration for the event of national meet
- Roles and responsibility discussion
- OSGeo Nepal mailing list ? >> Next
- Start with the data capsule group, contact Data Access Working Group: Kshitij looked into idea of data capsule. Investigated google, overture and osm. Buildings, roads and place of interest data can be a starting point for now. Overture looks the best data source for now as it curates data from various sources and validates the data. Checkpoint for next meeting. Engineering wg will write a script to curate data. Data team will work on validation.
- Dibikxya has exam and Varun is also not available so Kshitij will handle social media for now.
- Tshirt and Sticker: Tshirt design is in google drive. Kshitij has vendor contact to print tshirt. Ayush will reachout to Kshitij and will print Tshirt once he is free. Tshirt name and size collected with attendes. Kshitiz will forward sheet in group to collect name and size.
- Form by Aadesh on gathering information: Only 15 responses till now.
- GESAN event: Due to exam there is no update. Once Student representive is selected they will handle this.
- Student representative: Student Representive form is created and is reviewed. Post the student representative form in social media before next monthly meeting. Need to form evaluation committe. Kshitij, Tek, Shriti, Lalit joined evaluation committe.
- Kshitij created Roles and responsibilities draft document. Kshitiz will upload this to github.
Action Items¶
- Kshitij to handle social media until Varun and Dibikxya are back.
- Kshitij to send sheet in group to collect Tshirt size and name.
- Aayush to print Tshirt.
- Kshitij to update on coding party date.
- Not Assigned Post the student representative form in social media before next monthly meeting.
- Engineering Working Group to write a script to curate data.
- Kshitij to upload Roles and responsibilities to GitHub.
Events & Opportunity¶
- SOTM - Kenya: Facebook Page
- FOSS4G - Brazil: Link
- FOSS4G Asia - Thailand Link
- AI Workshop by RAN - No Details
Open Mic¶
- Lalit Training and clooaboration wg is looking for simple ideas that can be executed easily.