Campus representative form to be finalized and opened soon - Dibikshya Shrestha to post on social media
Updated data of dengue cases(MOHP) by Nishon in csv format, (For Data Capsule), more data to be added soon
For data capsule from HDX- road, boundary data; government data in CSV/GeoJSON; making standardized data; collaboration with other platforms too for data publish
Meeting with Open Knowledge Nepal to be held- Suraj
Contact Aadesh for 1st Batch Tshirt, second batch request accepting here: ( ) - comment your name, address and tshirt size
GESAN event- still time
Roles and Responsibilities Page is ready and published- Kshitij ( )
OSGeo Nepal mailing list? - next meeting
Collaboration with GESAN for geo-talk, first event taking place soon (Tek)
New timing for meeting to be decided using a form (Tek)
Program KUCC (Kathmandu University, November) - (Webinar, Panel Discussion, Mapping event) - Guidance and collaboration with OSGeo, lead by Suraj