Campus representative update: Dibikshya and Aayush
HDX successfully provided us with organization access : , Volunteer needed for the data publication : Kshitij , One dataset example that needs further review but for everyone to go through how it would look like :
a. At least 1 week of volunteering will be required
b. Schema finalization for the building and road datasets
c. Review the existing published datasets
d. Review Government available datasets (Administrative boundary , Populations , no of households - ward wise and P Codes)
e. Add Codes to all available datasets
f. Prepare to upload at least buildings, Roads(without code), populated places with p codes
g. Decide on data access group with discussion of existing open knowledge nepal (Suraj) l , dataset in sight from Nishon ( Possibly next weekend ? ) (Tek, Kshitij, Suraj, Shristi, Nishon atleast and interested all others, Kindly schedule meeting ASAP)
Geoseries/GeoTalk with GESAN-related update: Dibikshya and Tek
Potential collaboration with Open Knowledge Nepal? : Suraj
Updates on collaboration with KUCC: Suraj
GESAN collaboration for the event of national meet (annual event of club): Global team (Dibikshya)
Should we change the meeting time to weekends?
Communication WG - Gmail access and future posters and social media post - Varun
Campus representative form selection by evaluation committee: Follow up by Tek
Data access group meeting: Tek
Collaboration with Open Knowledge Nepal: Maybe postponed until we have some data: Suraj
GeoTalk, again follow up with Dibikshya: Tek
Successfully collaborated with KUCC and looking forward to a panel discussion (10th November) and Field mapping (Potential speaker: Kshitij Raj Sharma).