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OSGeo Nepal Monthly Meet - March 5, 2024

  • Facilitator: Tek Kshetri
  • Attendees: Approx 22 people

Action Items

1. Update Github IO

  • Start: End of March
  • Actions:
  • Tek to finalize contract and template
  • Pratikchya to finalize booth on KU
  • Kshitij and Addesh to finalize coding party
  • Social media announcement by Varun
  • Update Github IO with our plans: Hem Raj Pandey
  • Experience sheet creation: Aadesh

2. Training and Collaboration

  • OSGeo Official Registration Approved
  • Focal person reply back
  • Booth missed out: Pratikschya to reach out
  • Summer School Update: Awaited
  • Collaboration Document Ready for NGESS
  • Actions:
  • Draft poster ideas and seek help: Pratikchya
  • Introduce OSGeo and open source at KU booth
  • Representative from OSGeo: Rabina
  • Informal discussion

3. Engineering Working Group

  • Osmlocalizer generating interest
  • Funding discussion ongoing
  • Objectives setting and modifications: Aadesh

4. Grants

  • Volunteer for grant reply for physical meetup: Aadesh with Sovas

5. Communication

  • Varun to create a template next month
  • Post links from data access
  • Newsletter concept moved to the next meeting agenda
  • Inform Varun about NGESS communication: Tek
  • Varun to create priority sheet

6. Data Access

  • Form in progress, updates forthcoming
  • Focal point for communication: Kshitij


  1. Choose Note-taking volunteer for the meeting: Kshitij volunteered

  2. Geobharat is also trying to enhance the community in India: Tek reached out

  3. Tek is doing a session on the introduction to deep learning

  4. Wipfil is visiting Nepal, let's support as much as we can

  5. Talks are initiated for OSMLocalizer funding: Kshitij

  6. Kshitij to update next meet about the proposal
  7. Coding party to set up standards

Open Mic

Events & Opportunity

  • Nepgeom: KU
  • State of the map Poland: Link


  • Note-Taking Volunteer:
  • Varun Pradhan.

  • Facilitation for Next Month:

  • Kshitiz Raj Sharma.