OSGeo Nepal Monthly Meetup - 3 January, 2025
- Facilitator: Dibikshya Shrestha
- Attendees: Approx. 15 Attendees
- Welcome student representatives
- Remaining T-Shirt Distribution
- GESAN Event we supported : Quick recap (Hackfest) on presentation done by Manish
- Responsibility and guidance intro for student representative
- We are targeting at least one physical meetup this year in 2025, physical would be at one of the universities you are in (Most likely)
Action Items
- Selected student representatives to coordinate with the university and OSGeo Nepal for the upcoming events and activities are as follows:
- Western Region Campus (WRC): Manish Bam; Third year
- Kathmandu University (KU): Nalina Maharjan; Final Year
- Purbanchal University (PU): Babita Khanal; Final Year
- SR can follow the roles and responsibilities of the campus representative: Roles and Responsibilities and contact Aadesh for tshirts.
- General presentation for OSGeo Nepal introduction will be provided by Pratichhya
- Social Media Access will be provided to Dibikshya Shrestha by Kshitiz and Tek
- In the event organised by GESAN, Manish presented OSGeo Nepal. The event was successful.
- Jasan is looking for volunteers for the event. Anyone interested can fill the form provided in the video description.
- OSGeo Nepal is targeting at least one physical meetup this year in 2025. The physical meetup will be held at one of the universities.
- Nalina can volunteer in the data access too along with Manish.
- AWS Sentinel COG API, Open Source Story Maps, and Indian foss4g community bidding for the upcoming foss4g Asia were discussed.
Open Mic:
- Indian foss4g community is bidding for the upcoming foss4g Asia, we should help and target for the next bidding possibly ?
- AWS Sentinel COG API
- Open Source Story Maps
Events & Opportunity :
- https://bit.ly/SOTMUS2025scholarships
- https://www.scipy2025.scipy.org/
- https://fosdem.org/2025/
- https://lps25.esa.int/
- https://www.egu25.eu/
Facilitator for Next Month: Pratichhya Sharma