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OSGeo Nepal Monthly Meetup - 7 Feburary, 2025

  • Facilitator: Pratichhya Sharma
  • Attendees: Approx. 10 Attendees


  1. Announcement post of SR: status?
  2. What is expected from the general presentation for OSGeo Nepal? Context specific?
  3. What is the next action with regards to Buffer or similar tools?
  4. Is Dibikshya provided access to all social media?
  5. Do we have any updates on the event purposed by Jason?
  6. What is the status of AWS Data inventory?
  7. Key points from the data access and management meeting organised by Manish.
  8. Do SR or anyone wants to present on any idea they might have for their university?

Action Items

  • Follow up on SR announcement post in the discord channel.
  • We will request Dibikshya to give a try to Buffer for Facebook and LinkedIn, so that she can update her experience in the next meeting.
  • Pratichhya takes the responsibility to come up with a general presentation for OSGeo Nepal.
  • Introduction to Osgeo Nepal:

  • Pratichhya takes the responsibility to update the meeting minutes on the OSGeo Nepal website until discussed further.

  • Lalit will present his experience on Creating maps in the next open-mic session.
  • Follow up with Kshitiz on the AWS data inventory and data access and management meeting.
  • Nalina will present the concept of OSGeo Nepal in KU. Date not fixed yet.
  • Babita will also present the concept of OSGeo Nepal in PU.
  • Stickers or badges might be need for future events. Thus needs to be discussed in next meeting.
  • Lalit discussed with Sushma on SEO, since the website is not showing up in the search results as expected.

Discussion & Questions

  1. Should we skip pushing meeting minutes to github?

  2. How can we attract more audience?

  3. One of the participants suggested that we should start promoting open-mic sessions with a specific topic.
  4. Keep the meeting time consistent.
  5. Maybe announce the main topic of the next meeting in advance or when sending out the meeting invite.

Facilitator for Next Month: Manish Bam